Gratitude Can Help Make You a Better Writer

It's early evening. I'm sitting here in my favorite brown sweater. It's long enough to wrap around me when I'm cold, it has a hood that is perfect for dodging snowflakes, and a belt (which I never tie) that has been known to get caught in the car door. It's the one I always reach for this time of year. And it's the one I paid less than $5 for on the J.C. Penney clearance rack 8 years ago!

I'm thankful for my sweater. Sometimes it's the little things that give us the most comfort. 

We live in a very busy, rushed world. When I slow down, my mind follows suit. And even if I am thinking over the events of the day, thinking through a problem, or just day dreaming, I have learned to take the time to be thankful. 

Research has shown that gratitude is beneficial for health and well being. Being thankful puts things in perspective.  In my experience, counting my blessings makes me a better person, and therefore, a better writer. It helps bring balance from the concerns, worries, and difficulties we all face. It's a healthy practice and should be regularly scheduled into our lives. 

What better way than to write down what we are thankful for? It may just turn into an article or book to help others.

Need a jump-start? Here are some ideas:

  • Nature. We are surrounded by wonderful sights, sounds, and smells that help us pause and be thankful for the beautiful world we live in. Nature has a calming affect. I write about these things to help my readers to be encouraged. 
  • Family and Friends. Taking the time to remember the people in your life is especially important, especially if they are challenging relationships. Find something about that person you can be thankful for and focus on it. If there is just one person you can be thankful for you are blessed. Don't forget the kindness of strangers!
  • Provision. Do you have a car? A home? Food? All things to be thankful for. One time I was driving my car in the winter and the heat wasn't working. I turned to my son in the front seat and said, "At least we have a car!" Even if you don't have the nicest car, a home too small for your family, or only bread, milk, and eggs on your table - be thankful. It will make you happier!
As you practice gratitude, many things you didn't notice before will soon become important and valued. In turn, your outlook will positively affect your writing business and everything else you do.

How about you? Is there one thing you can be thankful for? Please feel free to leave a comment!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Kathy Moulton is a published freelance writer. You can find her passion to bring encouragement and hope to people of all ages at When It Hurts -


Heidiwriter said...

Beautiful, Kathleen! There are so many things to be grateful for, and sometimes it's that little thing we take for granted that gives us the most comfort. Happy Thanksgiving!

Karen Cioffi said...

Kathleen, what a wonderful post and at the perfect time. Truly being thankful for what you have allows you to be content with what you have. And, how true that the little things are just as important as the big things.

Magdalena Ball said...

I totally agree with you, Kathleen. Gratitude is one of the key components of happiness and a good life and replaces fear and anger. As my children get older (and I begin to contemplate an empty nest) I'm reminding myself regularly to slow down and enjoy each moment, rather than always rushing towards the next. So I'm grateful for what I have and where I am right now - grateful that I'm here. I'm also grateful for being involved in so many wonderful networks of like-minded, supportive friends and colleagues and that of course includes you - so thank you!

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Beautiful post Kathy. I try and embrace each day with gratitude. When my children were young we made November gratitude month and each day shared what we were grateful for. After they went off to college school, we continued it via email. See

Kathleen Moulton said...

Thank-you, Heidi!

Kathleen Moulton said...

Thank-you, Karen!

Kathleen Moulton said...

Maggie, so wise to slow down and enjoy each moment with your children. And thank-you for your kind words!

Kathleen Moulton said...

Mary Jo, what an inspiration to have imparted gratitude to your children and it's still a tradition for them as adults. Going to check out your post now. Thank-you for sharing!

Anne Duguid Knol said...

Thank you Kathleen. I always look forward to your posts which provide me with new ways to stop, think and truly appreciate everything I have. A very happy Thanksgiving to you too.

Kathleen Moulton said...

Thanks, Annie!

Shirley Corder said...

Thank you Kathleen for this inspiring post. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in South Africa but I think it's a pity. We need to get our own brand of Thanksgiving going! I trust you all had a great celebration. As for me? I'm giving thanks for life. It's 16 years since a surgeon decided I had less than a year to live. God is good . . . all the time!

Kathleen Moulton said...

You are very welcome, Shirley. And what an inspiration you are in sharing your story with so many!

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