Six Degrees of Separation

What do you do when you are at a loss of what to post about or even at a loss in your life? Write something. Anything. Yesterday was the 12th Anniversary of the bombing of the Trade Center Towers and the Pentagon, which affected many people, not only in the United States but around the world. Everyone who can remember that fateful day will probably be able to tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing when the news came about. This writer wasn't even a writer at the time of the bombings. She was working on the computer when her mother called asking if she had seen the news. It was early morning because the kids had gone to school and I was gearing up my computer to get my work done. I think my oldest is probably the one that remembers it the most considering my other two children were 8 and 6 at the time. The oldest was in high school and they probably pulled the TVs in the homerooms to run the news of this tragedy. This was a major loss to everyone. If you don't believe in the 6 degrees of separation just think about the events that occurred on 9-11 (2001). The bombers/terrorists were from another country; the workers in the Trade Center hailed from all parts of the country as well as some foreign countries and everyone, including folks in foreign countries, sat glued to their TV sets for hours, dumbfounded at the unfolding events. I had another incident that came to mind about the 6 degrees of separation; unfortunately, it has been a long week with loss of several things and remembrances of those whose lives were taken from us that it has slipped my mind. Please remember all those who survived, who lost their lives and those who willingly gave of themselves to help out. We are all in this together and only separated by 6 degrees. - E :) -------------------- Elysabeth Eldering Author of FINALLY HOME, a Kelly Watson, YA paranormal mystery


Heidiwriter said...

Indeed. Thanks for your reminder.

Magdalena Ball said...

Thanks for this post, Elysabeth. I think we all relive that loss this time of year. As Mark Doty so brilliantly put it, the artist must serve as a witness, even to what cannot be said: "The poem of witness requires a profound understanding of the ways in which pain refuses articulation and horror cancels out speech." The full piece is here:

Karen Cioffi said...

Elysabeth, this is a topic that definitely warrants remembering. Thanks for sharing with us.

Karen Cioffi said...

Maggie, Szymborska's poem is eloquent and hauntingly beautiful. It's the first time I read it. Great piece. Thanks for sharing.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Beautiful post Elysabeth. Thanks

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