Back to School

It's time to think about going back to school. Authors, have you considered doing school visits? Have you considered doing PTA presentations or librarian presentations? Now is the time to make those connections with the school librarians, public librarians and the PTA members who have the ability to schedule special presentations, especially authors. As authors, we have stories to tell and we are hired to entertain. School-aged kids love when a local author visits and always have tons of questions. If you are an illustrator, they really get into demonstrations of how an illustrated story comes to life. What's your passion and what do you have to offer the children? I encourage all of you to go out and set up those author visits, presentaions and workshops. ---------------- Elysabeth Eldering Author of FINALLY HOME, a Kelly Watson paranormal YA mystery


Heidiwriter said...

Indeed! School visits are a lot of fun, and whether you are able to sell books or not, it is encouraging to find students who still like to read and ones who are interested in writing!

elysabeth said...

And don't forget about virtual visits - via Skype or other video chat (Google talk works well too). They are lots of fun. I've been a consulting author for a 6th grade class in Utah during their writing time going on my 6th year now. I look forward to when I can teach POV to the students and also giving some one on one time to the students critiquing their writing. E :)

Magdalena Ball said...

I've done school visits, even though my books aren't for kids, and it's very satisfying. It doesn't have to be about selling - it's about creating happy readers and writer for the future. My poetry workshops have been really fun.

Karen Cioffi said...

I haven't done school visits yet. But, I'll be moving within a month and will start contacting the local schools where I'm moving.

Being a children's author, I do need to get on the bandwagon!

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

I know more and more authors doing virtual visits these days, although I think being in the classroom is great.

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