What Are You Doing on Your Summer Vacation?

I recently returned from an out of town vacation and am trying to catch up. It’s been a busy month.

While on my trip, I conducted some research at a library and at an archive, studying local history.  I looked for inspiration while shopping too. I love going to antique stores. There are all kinds of interesting items that can spark a story idea. I took alot of notes throughout my visit, as I walked, ate and shopped. Site seeing also provided some ideas as I studied museum exhibits and marveled at the beauty of nature. I wish I could have stayed longer. I’m sure I would have found more inspiration. It all went by so fast and then it was time to return home.

I wanted to do more during the summer months so I found some additional writing opportunities.

In May, I signed up to do the “100 Days of Summer Writing Prompt Challenge” by Shannon Abercrombie, www.shannonabercrombie.com. Each day, I receive an email with a writing prompt to complete. Some are more challenging for me than others and it can take awhile to put my thoughts together. As a whole, the exercises have been helpful. I was not able to keep up with it while on vacation (I don’t always use the internet when away from home), but I’m working on what I missed.

I also signed up for Camp NaNoWriMo, http://campnanowrimo.org. I haven’t been to camp since I was a child. As a 4-H’er, I attended camp for a week one long-ago summer. (I got homesick.)  For NaNoWriMo I will be in a “cabin” but I don’t know yet who I am “sharing” it with. Camp takes place during the month of July. I’ve got the hot dogs and the s’mores ready to go!

What are your writing plans for the summer? Will you be doing anything new or different? Will you finish a book or start a new one? The possibilities . . . .

Debbie A. Byrne has a B.S. in Mass Communication with a minor in History. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and is working on her first children’s book


Debbie A Byrne said...

I should add that my writing did not consist of any actual stories, just lists of notes and ideas for books. It helped!

Magdalena Ball said...

Debbie, Cam NaNoWriMo sounds so fun (and probably pretty intense writing wise). Of course it's winter where I am, but regardless of the season, I do also like to set myself little goals. Please come back and do a post on how your Camp went.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Enjoy your camp. I'm not sure I could spend a whole month at a camp to write.

Debbie A Byrne said...

I think I need to explain about "camp" further. I was trying to be funny. :)Camp NaNoWriMo takes place online. It does last for a month, and participants are encouraged to write everyday. You can be in a virtual cabin and have cabin mates if you like. It's more the support than anything else. I thought I would give it a try. Sorry if my post was confusing. And yes, I just might write another post about it. Thank you for the suggestion. Btw, I do see lots of online challenges, etc -- I don't know how many there are, but I think it's a good idea. If you can't leave home, it's a great way to learn, meet people and have some fun!

Shirley Corder said...

Thanks for sharing Debbie. Enjoy NaNo. Like Magdalena, I'm also in winter at the moment. Not camping weather that's for sure!

D. Jean Quarles said...

Sounds like a great summer. Love the idea of camp! Sure sounds like fun.

Karen Cioffi said...

Debbie, I'm glad you included in your comment that it's a virtual camp. An away from home month-long writing camp would be kind of grueling. :)Summer officially came the other day and this week the weather if following along with the three summer Hs - HOT, HUMID, and Hazy.

I'll be moving over the summer after 17 years in my home. So, now I'm sorting through stuff, getting rid of what I can, and packing. Hope this is the last time - I'm getting too old for moving! :)

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