Guest Blogging - Advantages for the Host Site

Advantages for the blog host

Last month this time, we took a look at the advantages there are for those who guest blog on other sites. Today we're looking at some of the advantages for the host site.

• Before continuing, it will probably be a good idea if you refresh your mind by reading the previous post first, as many of the advantages for the guest apply to the host as well.
In addition to those advantages, the host also gains the following:
• Increase of Knowledge: Your guest brings with him or her expertise that you don't have. This increases the value of your blog for the reader.
• Saved Time: Instead of spending hours researching a topic, by inviting a guest who is an expert on that subject, the host benefits two ways. He or she learns from the expert, and the blog gains followers who are interested in what the guest has to share. 

• New Cyber Friends:
 Hosts may even blog about the guests, giving them another topic of interest, while developing their relationships with the guests.  

If you are hosting a guest on your blog: 

• Comment on the post. After all, you wouldn't invite a guest to your home and not interact with them, now would you? Show an interest in comments from visitors as well. They're also visiting your cyber home, remember.
• Promote as suggested in the previous section. This makes sense. Not only do you want other visitors to come to your site, you want them to know the guest who is taking part on your blog. This helps to build your platform as well.
• Thank Your Guest: publicly on the post, as well as personally in an email. 

Over to you:

What sort of posts would you like a guest to post about on your site?

  • Give your answers in the comment section below, and maybe someone will offer.  

SHIRLEY CORDER lives a short walk from the seaside in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, with her husband Rob. She is author of Strength Renewed: Meditations for your Journey through Breast Cancer. Shirley is also contributing author to ten other books and has published hundreds of devotions and articles internationally. 

Visit Shirley on her website to inspire and encourage writers, or on Rise and Soar, her website for encouraging those on the cancer journey. Follow her on Twitter or "like" her Author's page on Facebook. 


Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Great post Shirley. Thanks for the opportunity to put out a call for guests. I could use a post on reaching your goals or strategies to keep personal commitments

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...
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Heidiwriter said...

I love hosting guests on my blog. It's a win-win for us both. Good content and good exposure.

Magdalena Ball said...
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Magdalena Ball said...

I'm always open to guest bloggers for all the reasons you suggest Shirley. Topics that would work well with my target audience are book related ones - anything to do with poetry, and with books in general, particularly trends, festivals, literary controversy, and for my compulsivereader site, book reviews are always welcome. Thanks!

Shirley Corder said...

Thanks for your comments ladies. This is the first opportunity I've had to pop in here as I've been somewhat pre-occupied with our accident. (Story and pictures here:

I'd be happy to exchange blog posts with any of you. Let me know if you're interested. I particularly look for articles to inspire or encourage writers, readers, or those in the cancer valley (2nd website - Have a great day!

Shirley Corder said...

Mary, would you be interested in a book review of "Cancer Starts with C" for your website? A beautiful book by Leticia Croft-Holguin for young children, explaining cancer and its treatment.
Or an article on how to deal with a state of "brain fog" for "DoNorth"?

Magdalena, would you be interested in a review of my own book, Strength Renewed? I could put one together for you. Alternatively, if you're interested in a review, I can send you a list of possible questions and you can choose which ones you want me to answer? That would be a win-win situation for us both.

Write to me direct if you're interested either of you. (shirley(at)shirleycorder(dot)com)

Anne Duguid Knol said...

Wow Shirley, so glad you are safe and sound after that experience--what a tale and how well you told it! I'd love a guest post that encourages slow writers. Magdalena did a brilliant post last year on my blog and we had a wonderful turnout of visitors.
My guest posts always do far better than my own lol

Karen Cioffi said...

Shirley, what an ordeal. Thankfully, you and your husband weren't hurt. I also read your post.

Guest blogging is a great online marketing strategy that I've been promoting for a while now. I don't usually write original posts for guesting, but I do allow reprints of 'my' articles that are on my site.

And, WOTM has a list in the group of members who are willing to allow reprints of their articles here. Another benefit of being a member! :)

If you promote the reprint and let the author know you're using his/her article, it will help with drawing visitors.

Shirley Corder said...

And that connection, Karen, I think I told you. I hope I told you. But after this week, who knows whether I did?
Your Creating and Author's Platform is up on my website today as a guest post. Thank you so much.

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