Write on... don't give up the dream!

Do you dream of being a writer?

If you want to be a writer, the only thing required is to put your butt in a chair, place your hands on a keyboard, pen, pencil or whatever you use to write, and write, write, write.

Consider writing as your job. If your dream is to publish, remember writing is a business, and treat it as if you’re an entrepreneur, because you are.

It doesn’t make any difference if you are young, old, or in between.

Don’t let anyone; including yourself talk you out of your dream of writing. Just write what subject you want to write about.

It doesn’t make any difference who you are, what sex you are, or anything else. Determination and persistence is will make you a writer.

Every writer can come up with myriad excuses not to write. The writer doesn’t use them, but writes in spite of them.

One major excuse is not having the time. This is a cop-out  If you want to be a writer, you’ll make time by going to bed later, get up earlier, or turn the Television off instead of watching some inane program. If a movie or some show is important to you, record it for a later time.

For the novice writer, the internal editor is a major problem. Overcome this by just writing, and then edit it.
It’s simple, writers write and that’s it, period.

If you want to be a writer, sit down and write the darn book; it won’t write itself.

Now is the time to organize your thoughts, notes, research, or outline and begin telling your story as only you can.

Today is the day you become a writer.

Robert Medak
Freelance Writer, Blogger, Editor, Proofreader, Reviewer, and Marketer
Find me on the Web http://xeeme.com/RobertMedak


Shirley Corder said...

Good post, Bob. I know one of the most difficult things I ever did was to call myself a writer! I was publishing articles etc, but the nearest I could get was to say "Freelance writer". Somehow that didn't seem so awful. Then I published a book with Revell, and suddenly I found myself being referred to as an author - and it all fell into place!

Margaret Fieland said...

Robert, good post. I carry notebook and pen with me everywhere. Fifteen minute wait at the doctors? No problem -- I can write something.

Unlike many, I did not always dream of being a writer. I started writing poetry, wrote one I wanted to keep, and things took off. That was in 2005. My biggest problem at the time was failure of imagination -- mine -- to believe not simply that I *could* write, but that I *wanted to*.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Great post Robert. I think for a new writer who has a strong internal critic they should wait a few months before reading their work or beginning to edit. This allows the person to develop the habit of writing.

Karen Cioffi said...

That's it in a nut shell, Robert, just keep writing. It's so easy to 'not have the time' to write, especially with having to market our work, but like you say, there really is time if you want there to be.

Bob said...

I'm proud to call myself a freelance writer, Shirley.
I write all kinds of stuff, edit manuscripts, do book reviews, and even offer critiques. I have written PR,and worked on book promotion.

I had a short story published as well.

I am a writer.

Bob said...

Neither did I, Margaret. In my younger days, I was studying Electronics Engineering, and working for the phone company.

My writing career began in 2006. As a sexagenarian, I can't think of anything else I rather be doing, and I enjoy editing and helping other writers with their projects.

Bob said...

Mary Jo

I also suggest seasoned writers let their work percolate for a few days and then try reading as a reader would if they plan on self editing their project.

Bob said...


A writer needs the following:
Time management
Business sense of mind

Because writing is a business.

Magdalena Ball said...

Good post, Robert. I think that the key thing that separates 'real' writers from 'wannabe' writers is persistence - not talent, which is a nebulous and meaningless term.

Bob said...

It does indeed, Magdalena. Is writing a hobby or a calling is the question all writers need to ask before they begin.

Kathleen Moulton said...

Hi Robert.

I enjoyed reading your article!

I got serious about writing a year ago and now have a few successes under my belt.

I needed a bit of encouragement and I find that is really what we all need from time to time no matter where we are in our writing career.

Thanks for the encouragement!


Bob said...

Yes they do, Kathleen, and a thick skin.

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