Writing, Business, Life.... All in the Connections

Like all of you, I have a regular day to day life, my writing life, my paying routine job, and my business life. If I don't stay on track, it easily gets out of hand. And if I do stay on track, I have more ideas than stars in the sky which can easily distract me and cause me to be less than accomplished.

The key for me is to keep the connections between all of the facets of my life working towards my three main goals for the year. So as the year winds down, it is time to really pare down my goals for 2013. My goals besides God and family include getting more written and published, working the writing into my love of fabrics and my fabric store, and of course making money with both. ( These are the general ideas, I need to fine tune the goals before January 1.)

A writer never stops thinking of ideas but we must also be thinking about how those ideas translate into a marketable product for our target audience. I am no expert but here is one example of how I am trying to make the connections between my passions, my writing, and my work and my business.

As a nurse I have a passion for children dealing with illness, hence I will soon have a children's book being released dealing with this subject. In the book the character talks about a comfy quilt and how she wants to make some quilts for others when she is well. I also have a passion for for fabric and quilts and am opening a small quilt shop in the unique town of Nashville Indiana, the heart of Brown County and a huge writer and artist community. Are you seeing a connection yet?

My children's book leads to designing a quilt pattern that others could make for friends which when published  leads to both book, pattern, and fabric all  being sold at the store front in the writer artist community leading to more sales. This is just one aspect I am working on to connect my nursing knowledge, my love of quilts, and my writing to making sales.

Before you sit down to make your three main goals for 2013 consider thinking outside the box when making the connection between your writing, your business, and your life. Make sure that the tasks you do each day outside of activities of daily living will advance your three main goals. If you do this, your writing goals will be met and publication, satisfaction, or monetary reward is sure to follow.

Visit www.terriforehand.webnode.com for more about the author or check her blog at http://terri-forehand.blogspot.com

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