Is it too early to start thinking of Christmas? Not really if you want to send personalised greeting to family, friends and colleagues - now is the perfect time to begin planning your greetings. Are poetry and Christmas at odds? Of course not, especially if you avoid the syrupy cutesy cards you pay huge $ for and choose a beautiful book full of real, award winning poetry.

Instead of a card that will end up as landfill, you'll give a gift and card in one that people will keep. My co-author Carolyn Howard-Johnson and I have pulled together just such a book, and you can order them, with their beautiful full-color cover by prize wining water-colourist Vicki Thomas, for only $3 each. That's less than the cost of a card (only $75 for 25 of the most memorable holiday greetings you've ever sent to your family, friends, and colleagues), and will make a significantly more powerful impression, especially if you write a personal note inside. The book was a USA Book News finliast and a Military Writers Society of America Silver Award Winner. To order, just send an email to HoJoNews@aol.com with HOLIDAY ORDER in the subject line, and Carolyn will make direct payment arrangements with you. Or you can drop by Amazon (click on book cover above) and buy the books individually for $6.95. Here's a sample:
Though it’s calm in the dark room
where you sit on Christmas eve
reaching for familiarity
I’ll take you down
to that imperfect place
of tone and sound
beyond culture’s skin, language
hard wired clickity clack
auditory parasite
multiples of frequencies
simple-ratio harmonies or complex
carols of memory
down there
in the consonance of memory
walking the cobblestones of imagination
your black heart finds light
melodic intervals
of sensation more pervasive than chance
open your ears into the silence
a symphony
vibrating the universe of your illusory body.
Magdalena Ball runs The
Compulsive Reader. She is the author of the poetry books Repulsion
Thrust and Quark Soup,
the novels Black Cow and Sleep Before Evening, a nonfiction book The Art of
Assessment, and, in collaboration with Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Deeper Into
the Pond, Blooming Red,
Cherished Pulse, She Wore
Emerald Then, and Imagining the
Future. She also runs a radio show, The Compulsive Reader Talks. Find out more
about Magdalena at http://www.magdalenaball.com
I'm glad you thought of this. I guess it is time for people to start thinking of thoughtful holiday gifts. I needed a nudge!
I guess I should start making a list!
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