Creating Ultra-Engagement: Interview with Danny Iny

Danny Iny is one of those marketing mavens that shares his information so generously, and gets around so prolifically, that audience engagement looks natural when he does it. However it ain't necessarily so.  Danny has worked very hard over the past two years to build up his business Firepole Marketing and he remains distinctively accessible, sharing information through a free e-book  Engagement from Scratch (which I've reviewed here), and above all, and you'll hear about it in our interview below, by answering every email (and he gets a lot of them!).  We also talk about something that's quite relevant to writers (and something I'm always grappling with), which is how you mantain the balance between creativity (writing...) and promotion. Listen in, grab a copy of the book, and let me know what you think in the comments below.  I'd also love to hear your own audience engagement tips, especially as it applies to writers. 


Magdalena Ball runs The Compulsive Reader. She is the author of a number of poetry books and novels, including, most recently, Black Cow, an "engrossing, poignant" novel about a family who leave behind the materialism and wealth of their high stress lives to attempt self-sufficiency on a small holding in rural Tasmania.


widdershins said...

He's such a nice guy isn't he!

Magdalena Ball said...

Yes, he is nice. What I found interesting is the way he uses his niceness to further his business (and also do good). Who says you've got to be mean to get ahead.

T. Forehand said...

Love the ideas here.

Karen Cioffi said...

I think of the old expression using honey to attract. The same is true for business. Nice wins out in my book also.

Aileen said...

Thank you for sharing. Great post!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this! Great interview!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this! Great interview!

Unknown said...

thanks for exposing this to world, amazing stuff! Engagement Messages

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