Fathers provide such a fertile source of inspiration (mother's too!) - so if you're looking for a reason to write a bit of poetry, perhaps some ruminations on dad might work. I've been writing poetry since I was a young girl, and I'm hoping that at least a few of those early poems are kept somewhere in a box of mementos, as indeed I keep my own children's poetry and handmade gifts. Happy Father's Day to all you wonderful fathers out there.
Boat Yard
Walking the fuzzy line
between deference and defiance
a cold wind opens the door
you slide
into frictive fictive
Holding onto your absent body
too tightly
I find something
a heart once broken
beneath my own chest.
The snarl of your lip
against kindness in your eyes
how odd to find you
still supportive
so many years after you disappeared.
Snow covers everything
not enough for fairytale glitter
just desolate dust
darkening teal on the horizon
and water
always water
together we swim
through a remembered past
imagining the future.
Magdalena Ball runs The Compulsive Reader. She is the author of a number of books including Black Cow, Repulsion Thrust, Sleep Before Evening, and, in conjunction with Carolyn Howard-Johnson, the Celebration Series of poetry book of which Imagining the Future is a part. Find out more at www.magdalenaball.com
Thankyou, Maggie, for sharing such an unexpected juxtaposition of thoughts in this poem. It brought to mind memories l did not realize l had and helped me understand a rather forbidding grandfather of my own.
Such a lovely suggestion to write a poem for a father on Father's Day. I shall try.
Maggie, thanks for the poem.
Wonderful poem, Maggie. Thanks for sharing!
What a powerful poem. Thanks Maggie.
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