When I think of maintaining both a sense of inner peace and personal ambition the following quote by Lao Tzu comes to mind "By doing nothing one could accomplish everything.'"
As a busy mom, writer and psychotherapist, I rarely have time to "do nothing." As I type this entry after midnight, I have two loads of laundry in progress, a feverish child in my bed, and a desk piled high with work. A part of me thrives on burning the candle at both ends and having multiple projects in the works. However, a larger part of me, simply just wants to be relaxed and enjoy exactly where I am in this moment. For me, inner peace is simply about being in the present and knowing that everything will be okay, regardless of how crazy it seems now. Meditation is a great way to infuse your day with inner peace. I try to set aside ten minutes each morning to simply sit and breathe. During meditation, I slowly breathe in and out through my nostrils and gently let go of any thoughts or worries. I allow everything to be as it is. Having thoughts occur during meditation is as natural as breathing. I welcome the thoughts and then quietly let them go as I surrender to silence. At first, I found meditation challenging. I ,too, am ambitious. It was hard for me to sit still and I was eager to get started with the next item on my list. However, after a lot of practice, meditation is now my favorite part of the day. Paradoxically, I find that after this ten minutes of "doing nothing" but meditating, I am most productive. Some of my best ideas and freshest writing come to me after meditation. In a sense, meditation fuels my ambition yet also sustains my sense of inner peace.
Meditation feeds my soul and infuses my writing with passion.  What activity works for you?  For some of us, a ten minute walk deeply enhances creativity.  Others may enjoy cooking, gardening, yoga, or a leisurely telephone chat with a treasured friend.  Find out what revives your creativity and make some time to do it. After engaging in your favorite activity, take five minutes to respond to each of the following writing prompts.
1. If I knew that I would not fail, I would immediately...

2.  If I had enough time, I would write.,,,

3.  If I had an endless supply of money, time, talent and energy, I would make the following changes in my life....

Aileen McCabe-Maucher is the author of the book "The Inner Peace Diet" which was published by Penguin Books and released in December 2008. Aileen is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist who has helped many people find inner peace and discover their unique life purpose. Aileen has worked for over fifteen years as a licensed psychotherapist and registered nurse providing individual and group counseling to a diverse client population. She is a graduate of West Chester University, Widener University, University of Delaware, and The Gestalt Therapy Institute of Philadelphia at Bryn Mawr College. Aileen studied yoga and the chakra system at The Yoga Lifestyle Center in Paoli, Pennsylvania and is currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania and writing her third book.
Get your completely free Inner Peace Diet E Course today by visiting Aileen's website now at


Donna McDine said...

I love to meditate! When school is in session I tend to meditate for 15 minutes prior to the girls getting home from school. It recharges my batteries! Great post!

Margaret Fieland said...

I started attending a regular yoga class several months ago - kundalini yoga, which involves a good bit of meditation. It's made a huge difference in my life.

Anne Duguid Knol said...

l also love the peace and productivity that comes from meditation. l'm a Pilates junkie and love the ability it gives me to empty my mind and declutter.

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