Blog Posting, Keywords, Anchor Text, Tags, and Website Statistics Part1

Every marketer knows the importance of article marketing – it’s an effective visibility tool and increases the user’s expert status. For individual websites, this is in the form of blog posting.

But, you can write an article that’s properly formatted, has a great title and amazing information and if you don’t use keywords, include tags, SHARE and Promote that article, you won’t get optimized traffic to your site. This can’t be stressed enough.

I did an analysis of two of my sites. Both are focused on writing and marketing. My individual site, Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing (KCWM) usually has three posts per week. The Writers on the Move (WOTM) site usually has one article per day.

Take note though that when getting website statistics, numbers will vary significantly depending on the source of the information. Blogger’s Stats tool was used for this analysis.

According to the Blogger Stats, which site do you think gets more traffic?

Since the marketing philosophy is’ content is king,’ you’d think the WOTM site would get tons more traffic, because it provides quality information on a daily basis.

Well, if that’s the site you chose, you’d be wrong. The KCWM site gets more traffic than WOTM does.

Another interesting tidbit is that the majority of traffic from both sites comes from:

Google searches
Yahoo searches and yahoo mail

Google is by far the leader of the traffic sources with Twitter holding up the rear.

So, the question to ask is WHY does the KCWM site get more traffic?

The answer has to be keywords, anchor text, tags, and promotion. Let’s take a look at each factor.


If you notice above, the leader of the traffic sources is Google searches, which is driven by keywords.

Every post on my site is keyword focused. What this means is that I do a keyword search before posting the article. I start with a focused word, say “blog posts.” If the article focus words don’t pull their search weight, I change them to more effective keywords.

And, as it has been stated before in other articles, your keywords should be in your title,  subtitle (if you have one), and within the content of your article. Be sure to add the keyword in the first paragraph and last paragraph, and here and there throughout. Just be careful not to overdo it.

Come back on June July 1st for Part 2 of Blog Posting, Keywords, Anchor Text, Tags, and Website Statistics. It talks about Anchor Text, Tags, and Promotion.

More on Marketing

Article Content Formatted and Search Engine Ready
Creating Content: 10 Online Repurposing Formats

CHECK OUT Design Your Own eBook Cover in 10 Easy Steps Using Microsoft Office 2010

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Shirley Corder said...

Oh how timely is this, Karen. Thank you so much. Believe it or not, I just listened to a webinar talk yesterday on the subject of tag words. I had no idea these had such an important role to play. THANK YOU! I can't wait for the next session.

Karen Cioffi said...

Hi, Shirl,

Glad you found it useful!

T. Forehand said...

I need to think about tag words more in my blog posts. Thanks for the reminder.

Margaret Fieland said...

So how do you check to see if a keyword "pulls its weight"? And do you have a method for choosing keywords? Thanks.

Magdalena Ball said...

Fantastic post Karen. I knew about keywords, but never thought to do a check before each article. I will now.

Donna McDine said...


Terrific article! I use Google Adwords and it helps tremendously in selecting keywords for my articles.

Glad to hear your hard work is paying off!

All the best,

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Thanks Karen. You make a confusing subject clear.

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