4 Ways Writers Can Replace Procrastination With Action

I am a procrastinator. That's not a great trait for a writer. So for my fellow procrastinators out there, here are some things you can try to replace procrastination with action.

  1. Stop trying to find time to write and make time I work a full-time job. After that job ends (and sometimes during) I'm responsible for the care, keeping and schedules of two non-licensed teenagers. Oh, did I mention I'm married, so there's also husband's needs in the mix too? Finding a consistent time is difficult. So I decided that when I have 15-20 minutes, I'll write. I can't always wait for an hour, but that's okay. I write when the time presents itself. 
  2. Just write it down Sometimes I avoid writing because I'm just not enjoying the words in my head. Consequently, I avoid writing them down. One day I read somewhere that those words were blocking the good ones. If we write down the words we don't like, it opens up our mind for better words to pour forth. So write them down and get them out of the way.
  3. Give yourself a prize Who doesn't love a treat? Motivate yourself with a small treat for each day you actually put words on paper. It works for me. Try it!
  4. Be accountable I let my accountability partner know when I'm supposed to be writing. She then has the right to quiz me to see if I stuck with my commitment. I don't want to lie to her or disappoint her, so  I make myself write. If you don't have an accountability partner, I urge you to find one.
My last piece of advice is this: Don't fail prey to the procrastination bug and not implement any of these tips. They are easy and worthwhile. You'll be glad you took action.

Marietta Taylor is an author and speaker. She is the author ofSurviving Unemployment:Devotions to Go. Marietta is a monthly blogger at the Go ask Mom Blog at www.wral.com. Her tagline is Mom of Teens. She was also a contributing author to Penned From The Heart Vol XV. Marietta has a bachelor's degree in Biology from the University of Illinois-Chicago. Visit Marietta at www.mariettataylor.net or www.marismorningroom.blogspot.com or email her at maritaylor@mariettataylor.net.


Mayra Calvani said...

Those are GREAT tips, Marietta! Thanks for sharing.

Mayra, AKA the Eternal Procrastinator...:-)

Unknown said...

Mayra, thanks! They've helped me tremendously. So far this has been a productive writing year.

NancyCL said...

Boy did I need this!!! I'm the queen of procrastination!!! Thanks so much!

Anne Duguid Knol said...

Hi Mari,
I heard you and this post calling my name,lol. Your working day puts me to shame. Point 2 is really interesting. I had not thought of the irrelevant words blocking the good ones. I know this is going to help.
Rewards I love. But not more chocolate...
Colored paper clips maybe, or a new notebook. Getting excited already. So perhaps I'd better start today's 15 minutes now.

Janice D. Green said...

Good advice for writers. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Nancy, thanks for stopping by. I don't know, maybe we can be co-queens? LOL Hopefully these tips help us both lose that title.

Unknown said...

Hi Annie. #2 was new to me as well. But I have found it to be true. I write down the garbage and suddenly my brain kicks into gear. That's a great feeling. Love the idea of office supplies. I could go broke in an office supply store.

Unknown said...

Hi Janice. Thanks so much for stopping by.

Heidiwriter said...

Ditto!! I like the one about writing down the "bad" words to get them out of the way. I had success one time when I put a sticker on my calendar every day I wrote. I got so I felt deprived when I couldn't add a new sticker!

Christine Rains said...

Great post! I'm learning to just write whenever I have a minute. And chocolate is my reward!

Unknown said...

Heidi, I love this! Funny how such a small reward can motivate us.

Unknown said...

Christine, that's great that you write when you can. Kudos to you for seizing the opportunity.

Shirley Corder said...

Thanks Mari. All so true. I love the idea of the prize. Hmm dark chocolate yes?

Karen Cioffi said...

Mari, great advice. It's so easy to put off your writing. I get in some writing just about everyday. Although my schedule isn't filled with taking care of young ones everyday! :)

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Great advice. I find a goal buddy or accountability partner really helps keep me on track.


Debbie A Byrne said...

Great post! Ummm . . . I think chocolate might work as the treat! LOL

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