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Some of the best advice I’ve heard in a while came from one of my Yahoo! Writers Groups. The discussion was promoting your book:
Member Post: You can definitely promote too much and people get sick of hearing about the author and the book. Especially if it's always the same title. I just roll my eyes and say, "Write another book, for Pete's sake"!
Simple, yet powerful. Fortunately, I recently released the follow up to Breakthrough titled Opening! Here is one of my blurbs I'm sending out:
“A scientific breakthrough of such magnitude it could radically alter the future of humanity—for better or worse—is in the wrong hands”
Stephen Tremp, author of the BREAKTHROUGH series, has a B.A. in information systems and an MBA degree in global management. Stephen has a background in information systems, management, and finance and draws from this varied and complex experiential knowledge to write one-of-a-kind thrillers.
His novels are enhanced by current events at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and other scientific research facilities around the world. These potential advances have the ability to change the way we perceive our universe and our place in it!
Stephen Tremp is author of the recently released suspense thriller OPENING, the second book in the BREAKTHROUGH series. You can visit Stephen at Breakthrough Blogs. Opening is available for download at:
Amazon for $1.99
Smashwords for $1.99
Question: What’s the latest and greatest you’re working on? Do you have anything for release on the horizon?
Stephen, Your new book looks great and intriguing blurb!
It is a tricky business promoting one's own books. You have to do it, yet you have to be careful of not overdoing it and possibly alienating potential readers who've learned to tune out advertising. As long as you aren't Tweeting every hour to buy your book, you should be fine. :)
Best of luck with Opening!!
Congratulations on the release of Opening, Stephen! I agree that it's always tricky to work out the right amount of time for promotion vs creation, especially for most of us who are time starved, and every moment of promotion is a moment less of creation. Working through a simple plan helps I think, so you do just so much promotion each day (especially in the high pitched days when a new book is out - see tag line for the answer to your question) and continue to create a new book at the same time.
Good for you for being so prolific! Keep up the good work! Congratulations!
Thanks ladies for stopping by! I appreciate the words of encouragement very much!
Your book looks very interesting Stephen. Chase Manhattan - does he know Irving Trust?
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