Calling Authors, Do you have a blog for your book?

Do you have a blog for your book? If you don’t have a blog for your book, why not.

The time to begin a blog and promotion for your book to create a following and desire in readers for your book is before you write it. Trying to promote your book after you’ve written it, is like locking the barn door after the horses are gone.

With the changes in the publishing business occurring almost daily, it is up to authors to get their head into a business mindset. Traditional publishers want to know what type of marketing plan the author has in place as well as what kind of following they have.

A completely different set of dynamics come into play when authors decide to self-publish their book. The bottom line is still promotion and marketing to sell their book unless they are writing books for fun and not money.

When an author self publishes their book, it is up to the author to proofread the book for errors and get them corrected before the book gets into the hands of the readers and reviewers.

Authors need to ask the following questions:

Are the facts and locations correct?

Are there any spelling errors?

Have I used the correct word?

Are there any formatting errors?

Are there any orphan words?

Are there any punctuation errors?

Is the font readable?

Is the capitalization correct in all places?

Is the tense consistent?

Is the dialogue correct for the character in their location, time, and age?

Are there hooks to keep the reader engaged?

These are a few of the items authors need to examine before publication, and while proofreading their copy of the completed published book before it reaches the store, and the hands of the reader. Reviewers will appreciate it.


Robert Medak is a Freelance Writer/Editor/Reviewer/Marketer and sole proprietor of Robert J Medak Writing & More. His URL is

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1 comment:

Karen Cioffi said...

Get tips and pointers Robert. A writer should always be sure that final product (the book) is as good as it can be before self-publishing. It's a reflection of the author's writing ability.

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