Becoming an Author: What I Have Learned with Clayton Paul Thomas

I could probably write another book on what I have learned about being a self-published author. Instead, I’m going to knock it down to three things.

There are three things a self-published author has to really focus on. Those things are writing, editing, and marketing. An author who wants to earn any money really has to write well and target their book effectively to their audience. You may have a great book, but people are not going to (generally) buy it unless they obviously know about it and other people are talking about it.

I have learned that there are not enough hours in the day to promote my book while being a stay at home father. Time management is critical. I am a big sports fan. Regardless, I had to give up watching a lot of football and basketball games in order to complete the book. Even now, I don’t watch a lot of TV unless it’s a kids show or if I am spending some time with my wife. In order to write a book and market it, an author really has to prioritize their time.

It is important to be as visible as possible in order to sell your book. Facebook (claytonpaulthomas), Twitter (claylauren2001), and LinkedIn (clayandlauren) are three of the forums I use. You should also have a polished website for people to browse as well.

In saying this, the internet alone will not sell your book. It is important for any aspiring author to leave their home and get involved in their community. Not only will you be a benefit to those around you, natural marketing opportunities are sure to spring up.

Writing a book isn’t easy and there will be many pitfalls along the way. It is important though to stay focused.

I invite you to buy my parenting book in order to take the next step with your kids in terms of discipline, education, and self reliance. Tantrums, Troubles, and Treasures can be purchased at I also invite you to take a look at my website in order to see some parenting blogs I've written and to see a design which may give you some ideas on what you’d like to do with your book promoting website.


Shore-Up Your Sagging Middle

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mooderino said...

Very informative and useful post. Thanks.
Moody Writing

VS Grenier said...

Thanks Moody Writing. I've been lucky to chat with some great authors and I'm glad Clayton was willing to share his view point on writing.

Good luck with the Book Giveaway!

Nancy Famolari said...

I have to agree. There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything necessary to promote your book. Time management is essential!

Great post!

T. Forehand said...

Good post to include the marketing of any book self published or published by a traditional publisher. I agree with Nancy, there is not enough time in the day for all of it and for me I have to include my regular paying nursing job too. But so much fun and satisfaction when you have written something that others benefit from and enjoy.

Clayton Thomas said...

Hi, I wanted to stop by and thank Virgina for this post. For anyone who has any questions, please feel free to contact me at Best wishes and have a terrific weekend!!!

Author: Tantrums, Troubles, and Treasures

BarbaraB said...

I hope Clayton's book on parenting gets into the hands of poeple who really need it. That is going to require special marketing.

Karen Cioffi said...

Clayton, your book sounds great. And, your right on the money in that marketing a book can be all consuming if you allow it to.

And, I agree, it's important to also promote outside the internet.

Thanks for sharing.

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